
Ini link ke situs temen-temen saya yang unik, lucu-lucu, imut-imut, jagoan neon, mantep dah.
(ctrl+F buat nyari nama kamu) kalo ga ada request dong, masa request lah ..
  1. aamhitam pengagum bis antar kota
  2. Abah nyang dulu ketua hmif
  3. adek lailiadi sang astacala
  4. Adit Bram Catastrophic Desktop Programmer
  5. Adham Somantrie
  6. Akri drummer & politisi IT yoih
  7. alihanifa, Cinox Software Developer
  8. Andy Widodo Owner of Playgroundpilot Web Developer
  9. Anjar sang Software Developer
  10. Arif Budiyono, Marketing Cinox & Kom-Tek Moderator
  11. Ayu wening, dosen ITT Telkom
  12. Bani smiertx, Engineer NSN
  13. Bhoedzal
  14. Catatan pk, Lecture couple
  15. Cinox Media Insani, PT. Tempat orang2 baik berada
  16. Cipitunk sang maniak FreeBSD
  17. Cyberheb, Telco Engineer, Security researcher
  18. chie temen gw yang meriah kalo ceting
  19. dark_ipl ipul, Software Developer
  20. Dani Iswara pemerhati web standard
  21. Dendie Harun, Web Developer
  22. Deniar sang aktipis di mbandung
  23. Dewi lemot hehe sori wi
  24. di armstrong sang penjepit bulan
  25. djenggot bangkong himawan, Photographer, Linux guy
  26. eLLeNation, Telkom Polytechnic Lecture
  27. eLLora, Telkomsel Engineer
  28. Fetti Curly BOJOG, PNS Pariwisata Bandung
  29. Ferdian BEM ade kelas gw di SMU21 dan IT Telkom
  30. Fifi Pipiew Mabim, PNS di Pontianak
  31. FROM GIBIG STUDIO, Graphic Designer, Hardcore/Metal enthusiast
  32. Galz
  33. Gejrot Astacala
  34. Gunawanprasetyo malik goen
  35. Hendy Irawan sang CEO Soluvas & Great Programmer, Developer
  36. HhAN temen satu kosan, Security enthusist
  37. Icha Pitrasacha, Cinox CTO
  38. Imansyah was Mbu, dari kampung gadjah
  39. Indah Pratiwi cewenya kambing
  40. Jessy The Kiting Girl
  41. Kamsut The Family Guy, Network Engineer, Guitarist
  42. Kemas Rahmat SW The ITTelkom lecture
  43. Leli imoetz
  44., Traveller, Telco Engineer
  45. L’HISTOIRE DE MA VIE (sok ribet ni anak), Orang Petronas
  46. Lord of the Kambing, Telco Engineer
  47. Mba’ Cici @ Blogspot
  48. ^Mo sang biawak sakti
  49. Mifdal
  50. Nana sang Soluvas Manager
  51. N1la temen kelas yang suka jalan-jalan
  52. Opie vour loves photograph, Telkom People
  53. Pakde dedy
  54. Pepkur
  55. Petong Backpacker Astacala
  56. Pipit Jegeg
  57. Pram Guntur Telkom Guy
  58. Prihantovic Wal, Cinox's Software Arsitek
  59. Raiden *nix server maniac
  60. Riano Oskar sang CEO Cinox
  61. Rizzurant
  62. Rovic Kids in ruangkopi, PHP developer
  63. Sarip, The PHP developer
  64. Silverant Agra Cecil
  65. Standalone Luthfi Pribadi, Telkomsel People
  66. Temon The Head of Security Expert huekekek
  67. Thomas Diptya Must Dee loves photograph
  68. t0m Gregory, Security Enthusiast
  69. t0m Gregory Security Page
  70. Topan Tambunan PHP developer
  71. Tux Edo Imem IARD
  72. Uchiel Gong Uhuy
  73. Udjo Bayu Rimba
  74. Uppi nyang kuliah CIO
  75. Wahyu the everything should be perfect
  76. Wayan Agus Yudiana
  77. What [it] is [it] All About Psychology
  78. Wita - Bangkit
  79. YeBe nu OkeDeh
  80. Yudi Anggareni, Web Designer, CEO of
  81. Mas Zuber Pake Jet

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