(ctrl+F buat nyari nama kamu) kalo ga ada request dong, masa request lah ..
- aamhitam pengagum bis antar kota
- Abah nyang dulu ketua hmif
- adek lailiadi sang astacala
- Adit Bram Catastrophic Desktop Programmer
- Adham Somantrie
- Akri drummer & politisi IT yoih
- alihanifa, Cinox Software Developer
- Andy Widodo Owner of Playgroundpilot Web Developer
- Anjar sang Software Developer
- Arif Budiyono, Marketing Cinox & Kom-Tek Moderator
- Ayu wening, dosen ITT Telkom
- Bani smiertx, Engineer NSN
- Bhoedzal
- Catatan pk, Lecture couple
- Cinox Media Insani, PT. Tempat orang2 baik berada
- Cipitunk sang maniak FreeBSD
- Cyberheb, Telco Engineer, Security researcher
- chie temen gw yang meriah kalo ceting
- dark_ipl ipul, Software Developer
- Dani Iswara pemerhati web standard
- Dendie Harun, Web Developer
- Deniar sang aktipis di mbandung
- Dewi lemot hehe sori wi
- di armstrong sang penjepit bulan
- djenggot bangkong himawan, Photographer, Linux guy
- eLLeNation, Telkom Polytechnic Lecture
- eLLora, Telkomsel Engineer
- Fetti Curly BOJOG, PNS Pariwisata Bandung
- Ferdian BEM ade kelas gw di SMU21 dan IT Telkom
- Fifi Pipiew Mabim, PNS di Pontianak
- FROM GIBIG STUDIO, Graphic Designer, Hardcore/Metal enthusiast
- Galz
- Gejrot Astacala
- Gunawanprasetyo malik goen
- Hendy Irawan sang CEO Soluvas & Great Programmer, Developer
- HhAN temen satu kosan, Security enthusist
- Icha Pitrasacha, Cinox CTO
- Imansyah was Mbu, dari kampung gadjah
- Indah Pratiwi cewenya kambing
- Jessy The Kiting Girl
- Kamsut The Family Guy, Network Engineer, Guitarist
- Kemas Rahmat SW The ITTelkom lecture
- Leli imoetz
- KutuLoncat.com, Traveller, Telco Engineer
- L’HISTOIRE DE MA VIE (sok ribet ni anak), Orang Petronas
- Lord of the Kambing, Telco Engineer
- Mba’ Cici @ Blogspot
- ^Mo sang biawak sakti
- Mifdal
- Nana sang Soluvas Manager
- N1la temen kelas yang suka jalan-jalan
- Opie vour loves photograph, Telkom People
- Pakde dedy
- Pepkur
- Petong Backpacker Astacala
- Pipit Jegeg
- Pram Guntur Telkom Guy
- Prihantovic Wal, Cinox's Software Arsitek
- Raiden *nix server maniac
- Riano Oskar sang CEO Cinox
- Rizzurant
- Rovic Kids in ruangkopi, PHP developer
- Sarip, The PHP developer
- Silverant Agra Cecil
- Standalone Luthfi Pribadi, Telkomsel People
- Temon The Head of Security Expert huekekek
- Thomas Diptya Must Dee loves photograph
- t0m Gregory, Security Enthusiast
- t0m Gregory Security Page
- Topan Tambunan PHP developer
- Tux Edo Imem IARD
- Uchiel Gong Uhuy
- Udjo Bayu Rimba
- Uppi nyang kuliah CIO
- Wahyu the everything should be perfect
- Wayan Agus Yudiana
- What [it] is [it] All About Psychology
- Wita - Bangkit
- YeBe nu OkeDeh
- Yudi Anggareni, Web Designer, CEO of Ovoer.com
- Mas Zuber Pake Jet
SAP Guys
Another Superguys
Celebrities tell his/her stories
request dunk, zuber hehehehe...
udah kumasukin mas,
ReplyDeletethanks requestnya :)
terimakasih requesnya :D